Tuesday, February 26, 2008

is anyone else ready for spring?

i am so tired of this cold weather. its hard to keep the kids healthy, because goodness knows they don't want to keep socks on, sweatshirts on, just clothes on in general! paige came out of her room yesterday wearing her bikini! once i got done laughing i had to tell her to change back into her winter clothes and put the summer clothes away! kimber is still just refusing to stop crawling. she will walk half way across the room and then crawl the rest of the way. i guess she will get there one day! i am trying to shed those unwanted pounds. i realized this when paige heard me call it "baby fat" and she said no mommy your just fat. after i finished crying into my pint of ben and jerry's, i thanked her and hugged her and started on the treadmill. toby is also working on losing the weight. i worry so much about his weight, but i have honestly tried everything...nagging, guilt, begging, absolutely everything. he just one day decided that it was time to lose the weight. we got him a treadmill that will hold his weight and we both walked a mile our first day! woo hoo. my goal is to be in a size 6 jeans by my birthday (july 1). i will be 30 years old, and i would love to look great. of course i can't do a lot of exercising on my upper body since my arm is still "out of order", but i can work on my abs and lower body! so wish me luck!!!!!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Good luck on the weight loss to both you and Toby!! It's great that you two can do it together!

I am so ready for spring too! I am so sick of this weather and we've got about 2 feet of snow on the ground over the last couple of days and I'm really ready for it to melt and get warm outside!!!