Saturday, November 17, 2007

a week already...

wow, i can't believe its been a whole week since i posted anything on here. well, i have been so very sick all week i haven't been able to sit at the computer for more than a few minutes. and today is the first day that i have been able to hold down solid food. i hate it when all i can keep down is chicken broth and pedialyte!! but as i said before i am feeling so much better. and just in time for Thanksgiving. we will probably go to my uncle larry's, thats where everyone goes for every holiday. its always a lot of fun.
now onto my newest child raising issue...
temper tantrums. miss paige has taken to simply just screaming at me. she doesn't do this to anyone else but me. i don't get it. toby says that its a respect thing. its going to be a mommy knocking her on her ass thing if she doesn't stop it. i have done everything but tape her to the wall. i am at wits end with her. i don't want kimber to see her do that. i won't know what to do with both of them doing it. i'm up for any and all suggestions!!!
with christmas fast approaching i know that losing weight is the last thing on most peoples minds. but it is all i can think about. i am going to my moms for christmas and the biggest topic of conversation is always weight; who has gained it, who has lost it, who needs to lose some, and who needs to stop losing it. there are three of us girls. i am the oldest, darlene is the middle sister, and christine is the baby. christine is the smallest and always has been. darlene is the heaviest and always has been. i am right in the middle. but my mom has lost a lot of weight and looks really good. but everytime we go up to my moms we wind up comparing weights and weight loss tips and stuff. then it winds up being a big contest over who can lose the most weight by the time mom sees us again. thats where it sucks. i just don't ever lose anything. i need to. i have tried to watch what i eat and i have tried to walk, but its not working. i would like to lose like 10 pounds before we go to my moms. any suggestions???

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I'm fresh out of weight loss tips and my new years resolution is to work up the sheer willpower that it takes to be anorexic! LOL It's the only way I'll ever lose any weight!! HAHA.

As far as the temper tantrums, I guess each temper tantrum is just a different thing. Right now, we are going through Haley's snotty stage. I'm kinda at my wits with her too. However, when she was younger, just completely ignore them, and I mean COMPLETELY (don't even look at them)and just act like they don't exist for the time that they are throwing the fit. That worked well even up to a year ago. Then, they just pass out of it, but don't worry, it comes back later, only they change it up a little. Haley has such an attitude lately, and if she doesn't get her way she stomps her foot and puts her hands on her hips, purses her lips. She acts just like me and I don't know how to get rid of that except to modify my own behavior!! LOL

Anyways...I'm so glad that you are feeling better!