Friday, November 9, 2007

Woo hoo its FRIDAY!!!!

I didn't think this week would ever end!!! but now its friday and i am off all weekend! tonight is "guys night" all the guys come over to eat pizza drink, and play poker. and what do i get to do??? sit here by myself and watch the girls. i hate guys night!!! the testosterone is so thick in the room a female can barely breath in there! So i wind up playing on the computer, or sewing. None of the guys bring there girlfriends or wives since its guys night and the other girls tend to be clingy. Not me. I would much rather get a group of girls together and sew or scrapbook or something like that.
A couple of months ago i went to St. Louis to meet up with my Mom, Dad, and Grandma. My Mom has an ipod. i had never seen one or played with one. So by the end of the weekend i just had to have one! So when i got home i got one. My "wonderful" hubby decided to put songs on it for me. He put 33 songs on it (one was on there twice!) And several of them were songs that i wouldn't listen to. So i finally got tired of waiting for Toby to show me how to put songs on it. I did it myself. I now have 80 songs on my ipod!!! Woo woo for me. I am so computer illiterate! Toby is very bright when it comes to computer stuff. Not me.
I was thinking about going to Oklahoma and picking up a friend of mine for the weekend. She started out as my brother-in-law's girlfriend. But her and i became really good friends. Then when they broke up it was kinda uncomfortable when she would come over to help me with the girls or just go out with me. But Justin and i discussed it and we all live here together and i may not like his friends and he may not like mine but we all just have to deal with it. Besides him and Mandy actually ended it well. she was just too clingy for him. But her and i get along really well. Well, miss Paige is needing help on her video game so i better help her before she gets angry!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I don't know how you do it girl! I couldn't deal with having a guys night at my house! Now, a girls night, I could totally do that though!! WOOHOO!! Even Mommies need a night out once in awhile!