Sunday, January 6, 2008

i am really bad at this!

ok, so i'm a crappy blogger. sue me! my resolution is to get on here more and keep my fans up to date on me! or at least my couple of friends that do read this!
we went to my moms for christmas. it was so much fun a whole week with my sisters and the entire family!!!! we are thinking about moving up that way. its better pay for me, my family is all up there, and toby can get a full time job because my mom can babysit for us!!!! woo hoo!!
sometime around halloween, i noticed a lump on my stomache. over the last few months it went from being the size of a golf ball to the size of a large grapefruit. i apparently thought that it would go away on its own or that i would just forget about it. then it started to hurt really bad and then it got really really red. so off to the emergency room i go at 4:30pm on friday, (because what dr is his right mind is going to see me on a friday!) the first nurse that sees me looks at my lump and then gives me a horrified look. does this help my anxiety? not really! then they get me back to my room and the main nurse that is going to be dealing with me askes me what the problem is, i show him my lump and askes does it hurt? this is such a stupid question! then the dr comes in and says that we have 2 options...#1 we can do a cat scan and see what is exactly in there, or #2 we can stick a needle in there and see if we can pull out any liquid! hmmmm this is a tough choice. i chose the cat scan. i had to drink this nasty red liquid and i had 2 hours to drink it in, (it took the whole 2 hours!) then they did my cat scan. when they brought me back to my room, she said that the radiologist would look at it and talk to my dr. it took 2 hours before anyone talked to me at all! the dr said that it was a large hernia! (big hole) and part of my bowel is stuck in it! fun fun! they have to do emergency surgery on it, now. so the surgeon comes in and says that i will be in the OR in 45 min. that seems like a long time until you have 2 nurses rushing around you trying to get antibiotics into you, a bag of fluid, put a catheter in you, and then get blood work! i also found out that i have a reaction to vancomyicin (an antibiotic) and benedryl! fun fun. as for the surgery, well i was sleeping for it, so i can't give you the play by play on that one! but i kinda forgot to mention to the surgeon, and the dr that it takes me a while to wake up from the sleeping meds they give you. i came out of surgery at 3am and the first sane conversation that i had was at noon! but i had visitors, i do remember a few of them, but they said that they stayed for like 30 min, but i can only recall like 5 min of their visits! then around 4 the dr came in and said that i could go home. he gave me percocets for pain, and told me to take 2 every 4 hours. (i took 1 at 10:30 today and fell asleep at 12:30, i didn't wake up till 5:30pm! i wouldn't wake up till tomorrow if i took 2!) but the dr said that everyone has a fat layer that protects their bowel. my fat layer got stuck in that hole in my tummy and was dying. (which is what was giving me the infection) had i waited another week i would have been really really sick! so they had to cut off that dead section of fat. but i have a 30% chance that the hole will reopen and he said that as soon as i feel the lump i need to come in so he can fix it. since i had an infection he couldn't put the mesh screen over the hole like he normally would. so if it reopens then he will go back in and put the mesh screen there. well i think that about sums it up! hope everyone elses new year started out better than mine!!!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

You poor poor girl! I hope that you heal quickly and I really really hope that it doesn't reopen because damn! You've been through enough already!!